Monday, August 25, 2008

Oh the irony...

Ah shoot. The holidays are coming. Now all of you must be thinking: Rachel! Are you nuts? Are you insane? Have you gone crazy? Its the holidays for crying out loud! You're supposed to be out with your friends or causing mayhem in the house or just have some plain fun, not pouting as if its the end of the world! Well too bad. I have a ton of homework(that shall soon come actually), exams (yes, exams. hard to believe that those pieces of paper actually have enough power in them to cause depression, stress and worse, suicidal thoughts and attempts!) and last of all, an intensive computer workshop course (which i fear my friends, may come my way and ultimately kill me if it does). Though half of the stuff and situations mentioned above may or may not happen to me, I must prepare for the worst,for i saw the "signs" leading to these events.

One: the workshop. All selected sec 1 and 2 com club members are to go unless theres a valid reason.
Signs: All sec 1s can't come, i have no reason to not come, half of the sec 2 population in com club come from my class.
Two: the homework. Well standard rule: Do or die.
Three: the Final Year Exam (a.k.a streaming/screaming exam). My future and future exams lie in the hands of me and those merciless pieces of pulp that is processed to become what we know as paper.
Signs: Self explanatory. (If you can't see the logic behind this sign, consult your doctor)

So you see? Im gonna die this holiday (as much as i look forward to it) and the only luxury i'll have is the luxury of being able to sleep late, rise late and do whatever I want with my time in between.

But hey, evangelistic service is starting too. I pray that I can find the time to come and also to continue my daily prayer sessions regularly. Praise the Lord for giving me today, and my A2 for english! =D heehee.

(Psalms 23:4)- Yea, though I walk through the valley and shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

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