Sunday, August 31, 2008

Evangelism week!

Hey all! This here's an open invitation!

My church (True Jesus Church) will be having an evangelism week. Here are the times and topics for the week:

Wed 3rd Sep 08 (7.30 pm)
Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

Fri 5th Sep 08 (7.30 pm)
Why so many churches?

Both are dual language (English & chinese), and the services are at 17 D Adam Road.

For my friends out there, I am sorry to announce that I cannot come for the friday one as I have tuition (yes its very annoying) at night. Anyway, those interested in coming are free to come. And if im there on that day, I shall treat you to food! Haha, jkjk. But seriously, don't get your hopes up. Its not like I'll have money to treat people for meals.

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