Sunday, May 24, 2009

My story

The bell rings. The class begins to end.
I check the time. 10am. I move off first.
Though my stomach growls, I know I move for a different reason.
The scene is crowded. People talk, shriek, laugh.
Its a sea of humans I don't know.
Last time, it ended in a good tone
The one before was average
I will make it different today.
I join the line and look around, no sign
my heart falls a bit, i sigh
a classmate shakes me awake, i respond. I look again. Still no.
then i see. A familiar figure. One that i can see even amongst this sea
My heart revives, i twist a smile
Im looked upon, and i turn, sure that my presence is noted
Then, a forceful slap to the shoulder. Jump Start!
Options display themselves, which to start with?
Remember, no boring today, a difference!
Those eyes gleam with excitement, and a hint of light insult
Well, two can play at that game!
I retort, it's received, a difference achieved.
News is relayed, I listen to the voice
A light tone to my ears, one that has left me in good moods for many a day
The fact that i am noticed, it makes me elated
At least I am not alone
Looking back, it all started with a simple self-introduction
Under a situation where both were under the same rules
the same game, and though they won the physical one
I took the first step of victory into the emotional one
but the bell rings again, i slip a mask on
a mask that betrays my feelings
for my heart sinks as goodbyes are exchanged.
But as i make my way back to class I give myself a little boost
I made today different
I will try again tomorrow