Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another one

Well, its now the long awaited Dec hols. I remember that I always looked forward to this 2 month long holiday every year when I was younger. Free to wake at any time, free to do whatever I want, supposedly free from school. Yet the irony is that I have been going back to school almost everyday for the past 2 weeks of the hols. Why?

Week 1: Have to go back for extra lessons to continue with the syllabus. And CCA. Turned out we are all dragged into some stupid project called the GreenLab project where we are supposed to create animations about the new comp lab in school called the Greenlab where everything is eco-friendly and well green. Almost literally. The carpet has what, 3 shades of green? One corner has a green bamboo wallpaper. Correction. Covered with a BRIGHT GREEN wallpaper. They are really taking this "green" issues really seriously. Really.

Week 2: Somehow my group is doing an introductory/ overview animation of the greenlab. And somehow we decided that "hey! lets submit our animation for a separate competition!" And the end result? A whole week in school again, plus some more on the way! Not that the project/competition/I-don't-know-what is horrid, but its really draining me. During a holiday when I'm supposed to be well rested. Oh the irony.

Then as I read through my past posts on this blog, it notice that during 08, I seemed to be quite a happy and lively person. Then what happened in 09? Gloom, dread, fear, random poems that no one can decipher. Perhaps I've become a bit more... I don't know, sad and emo? I seem to have been facing a lot of problems this year. My mother tells me that its because I think too much and have a too high expectations. Well she is right. I have been thinking A LOT this year. (Perhaps my brain is expanding :o) But I cannot deny the fact that I have changed quite a bit this year, apart from being just a slight bit more hardworking (trust me, procrastination never leaves you) getting great results (thank God for that, if He didnt help i would not be able to understand those concepts easily!)

I am growing up, but in a sort of unorthodox way perhaps?

Some people wish that life was a bed of roses... they are blind. Why do they fail to realise that underneath that bed of roses lies a sea of thorns?

Life is like a vacuum. It sucks. But when one is able to see the great works and love of God, all will be well. I wish to be able to see them soon.

1 comment:

Benjamin said...

Life is actually a bed of roses.. Just remember Roses have thorns..

Thinking alot is really a problems I feel, I just think know how to handle to feelings after thinking abt thing is critical...

hah just rumblings from your friend in Brunei :)